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03/15/2016 Dave Cook's slide show.

A Moment in History.

      Building west of Holy Spirit on Columbia Turnpike.

     1973 Highland Hills Apartment Complex off Horizon View Dr.


     Steve Camburn Ron Merckx Memorial Day 1996

     Lake George

     Lake George

     Started in the Main, Moved to the North, Married into the Park Chris Johnson at a worker in 1996, we didn’t have hoods then…when we burned our ears, we knew it was too hot…

     MiniVan fire with Chief Peter Lehmann, Winter 1996

     Left to right Mark Ronan AKA Rabbit, Ast, Chief Elwin Michael, Foreman Jimmy Michael Notice the gear on top of the trucks. We geared up on the way to the call, lost lots of helmets, and occasionally a man. Claud Rounds broke an arm falling off the hose-bed leaving the Main Station

     How to ride the back step. Didn’t always have straps. Sometimes 5 or six on the back, rest would ride in the hose. TAL-3 Tanker Ladder 3. Note speaker in upper left. Communications with cab. Also button on left side. 1-stop, 2 go, 3 back up. Defreestville off Snyders Lake Rd behind Belltop School.

     DAC (probably Car 2), Carol Sinnott Pres. Cindy Reineke, Chuck Hellmuth (Probably Car 1) Probably mid 80s

     Unknown year, unknown event Guessing Johnny Riekert, and ?

     Scott Edberg drilling with a high rise pack

     East Greenbush Airport – Tornado Damage Lots of planes destroyed, only one of four hangers survived Not sure of the year.

     Water Thief Any of you FF with less than 5 years in the company wanna guess what EDP1 stood for? (Engine Dry Powder 1)

     HazMat training, maybe CHFD, not sure. The barrels were filled with liquid and punctured, we had to stop the leaks.

     Right to left 2nd Asst Chief Elwin Michael George Smith – used to ride out of Sherwood Park, Commissioner for years Unknown Unknown

     Scott Johnson AKA Stacks (Chain-smoker) Pat Noonan?

     GAN, every EGFD incident made front pages, because DAC/Mmiller worked there. Miller in the water. Ice training in Hampton Manner Lake. Guessing early 80s

     Karen Leavitt from Ladies Auxiliary whipping up a Code 100 in the old Main Station Kitchen Late 80s

     1974 ForemanJohn Petrocelli aka “Petro” Tony Nagliari Engine 68 – 58 Mack with No Power Steering, Big Old Thermodin Engine required double clutching. Big Steering Wheel and when Petro turned the truck, it would lift him clean out of the seat.

     FF Robert Cook Probably mid 1970s So there was an old house on Rt. 4 in DFD near where Exit 8 is now. DFD Burned it down for a drill, we used to do that as a matter of helping our residents ya know. Anyway, we are MA to the drill suppling water. You could not shut down the highway, and hose-bridges were to slow (anyone know what a hose-bridge is) Ours were made of steel and weighed a hundred pounds each… so we crawled through this culvert dragging the hose under the road to supply water, keep the road open, and protect our hose.

     Pres Mike Benson VP Chris Lavin Sgt at arms Kyle Keenan (Spo da Be) Secretary Tom White Treasurer Linda Cook Unknown Year – Probably Cordial Greens